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[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]

Rockman DASH Cell Phone Mini Games

In addition to the full blown cell phone game, Big 5 Island Adventure, Capcom has also put out a number of little Legends games over the years for cell phones in Japan. Most of them are pretty self-explanatory.

おしおきコブン (Kobun Punishment)

Kobun Punishment Screens

Kobun Punishment was re-released years later with upgraded visuals.

ロックマン DASH ゴルフ (Rockman DASH GOLF)

Rockman DASH Golf Screens

コブンが飛ぶん? (Kobun Flight?)

Kobun Flight? Screens

With well timed jumps and the help of a little propeller, keep Kobun flying as long as possible. An Xmas version was also made.
Gameplay Video on YouTube

Kobun Flight? Xmas Screens

組み立てコブン (Kobun Assembly)

Kobun Flight? Xmas Screens

15パネル (15 Panel)

15 Panel Screens

コブン時計 (Kobun Watch)

Kobun Watch
Not exactly a game, but still.

カプコンギャルのマインドパズル (Capcom Girls Mind Puzzle)

Mind Puzzle
Though not entirely dedicated to DASH, Tron and Kobun are featured.