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[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]
[ MML1 ] [ MML2 ] [ MML3 ] [ MOTB ]

Interactive Story

Part 05 - Something Entirely Different

Contributed by Robert Huse

"IT'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNEEE!!!" Teisel Bonne screamed at the top of his considerably powerful lungs, which sounded even more forceful considering the small space he was currently within. His red eyes were as wide as saucer plates, as he saw the crane outside the Bonne's makeshift boat was no longer carrying the huge multi-colored refractor that they'd acquired from the Central Gate on Kattlelox Island.

"Gone?!" Tron asked in shock. "How is that possible? I calibrated that crane as soon as we set sail!" The teenage mechanic went over to the console and switched on the intercom. "Bon!" she said into the speaker. "What happened to the refractor?"

"Babuuu," came Bon's response over the intercom. "Babubuuuuu."

"He doesn't know either," Teisel said in a deflated voice. "Oh, this is intolerable! Why is it the world's greatest treasures always slip through our grasp? The golden refractor, Diana's Tear, and now this! What the hecht does the world have against us, anyway?!"

"Get a grip, brother. Something like Juno's refractor couldn't have just vanished into thin air. There has to be a logical reason for all this." Tron's face grew dangerously angry, like the times she tortured her Servbots for failing or not working hard enough. "And if there isn't, someone's gonna get a BIG piece of my mind! We've worked too long at this to be thwarted again! It's bad enough that idiot tossed out the golden refractor during trash detail, but enough is enough! I will NOT tolerate our plans being fouled up any more! Understand?!?!"

Teisel rubbed his protected ears. He knew well how loud Tron could get when she was angry, and in a small space like the bridge of their tugboat-like machine, it seemed even louder. "Loud and clear, sis."

Tron exhaled angrily, still looking quite vexed. "I just had to get that off my chest," she said unapologetically.

"I know." The head of the Bonne family sighed to himself. "Reminds me of you scolding the Servbots. I wonder what became of them. We haven't seen most of them since the Gesselschaft blew."

"Good question," Tron replied. "We'll have to search for them... once we can afford more efficient transportation."

Teisel hummed to himself, knowing full well how much such transportation cost. He looked out the window, and saw an island in the distance. "Well, what do you know," he exclaimed. "After all those days on the sea, we've finally reached the next island! What's the name of it, Tron?"

The young woman quickly produced her sea chart and laid it on the console. "Hmm, we've been heading due west all this time," she said to herself, moving her finger across the map from Kattlelox to the next island. "So that must be..."

<<  •  Chapter 05  •  >>